Sweet Bar
"We don't just fill we replenish "
Jelly BabiesMice
Shrimp FoamJelly TotsHaribo Tanagastics
Haribo SkittlesCoca Cola bottles Squashies Wine Gums Milk Bottles Dolly Mixture Mini Love HeartsFruit JelliesFlying SaucersJelly Beans
Fried Eggs Cola CubesFruit Salads
Black Jacks
Rhubarb & Custard
Pear DropsStrawberry Bon Bons Large Strawberries Lollipops Sherbert Lemons Goldbears SkittlesWine Gums SnakesRefreshers Marshmallows
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The Sweet Bar table serivice is only available if we are already catering for your event. Please contact us for more infomation.